After the second world war countries of
Western Europe actually have concentrated not only on process of restoration of
the economy, but also judgement of what have happened. This work was stimulated
by tragic experience of two world wars came on time of first half of XX century - the too short
historical period - and afterwar pressure from
the East. The call of history was formulated precisely and
unequivocally - how modern Europe can exist?
Generally speaking, the
West-European countries did not have alternative, except for that answer, which
was found by the end of ХХcentury and was began to be
realized. Non-alternativeness of
Maastrich, on our sight, is explained
by that fact that in afterwar European history there was not so powerful ideology as
idea of consolidation. It has not only
brought logic into the European policy, but has resulted in new understanding
of such base concepts as state, sovereignty, national and cultural identity. Europe
offering to the world ideas for development again has defined the way of
development itself and has set a vector of movement for others. If
someone considers it an exaggeration, should look narrowly and see that as a
matter of fact the new philosophy is offered. From times of John Lock the ideas
of liberalism, division of authorities, nation-state was not reviewed so
thoroughly. National European structures today
function according to the new rules. There is a new management, which it is
possible after some researchers, to name as comparative contractual state.
Stable institutional political process is characterized by: reduction of role
of parliaments, transfer of power to a network of chambers and committees,
where the main participants are the bureaucrats and representatives of the
organized interests, political agenda with prevalence of technical questions
and low level of conflicts,
resolved by means of the
The European
Union, which is overnational structure, basically corresponds to this model.
Let's recollect that at the center of political organization of EU there is
such institute as a Commission. The officials and experts accept the not less
important political decisions, than public policies representatives of people.
“For a long time in a context of cold war and collective threat, which
strengthened legitimism of the European
construction, the citizens considered it
as business of elite. “Resolutive consensus” of public opinion allowed
in some sort technocratic confiscation of authority in EU 1. Marked
above emphasizes the fact, that much was necessary to reconsider in the
concepts of philosophy and sociology of the European policy.
The European integration is not a
triumphal procession to the uniform superstate. It is a complex way of the
coordination of national interests and ambitions, cooperation of economies of
different level, rapprochement of historical-cultural zones. All this requires
not only appropriate philosophy, but also practical political will and wisdom. It
was necessary to understand, that the new stage of global development is based
on regionalism, coming on
change to internationalization and mondialization. The concept of regional
integration in afterwar Europe, presupposed the process of public unification,
transformation of certain isolated social units into something modern and
perfect, larger and advanced. It was supposed that there was the next, after
national integration, stage of general process. Having reached the stage of national state, the advanced countries pass
to next - higher level of development 2.
Further we shall define regionalism as processes
which occur in Europe as a whole, as region, and in much smaller territorial -
cultural units. Actually we meet with the second notion of this concept, each
time while analyzing the process of the European integration, when we speak
about interests of regions.
It would be extremely precipitate to
approve that Europe has found the answers to all questions. Remain open,
arisen on a boundary of centuries, socially - political antinomies:
Globalization of world processes and regeneration ethnic archetype;
tendencies in each concrete
society resonance with national idea or
its search;
Complication of social structure on the base of
differentiation of modern technologies and sociofunctions and simultaneous
simplifying of individual and group stimulus of behavior and mental perception.
Depolitization and the increasing apathy of
people in combination of development of
the new forms of elite ideological movements deprives the prospects of the habitual political mechanism (crisis
of traditional political parties and as a whole “of a party principle”
organization of political process);
clients of the political activists ruled by the
leader, is accompanied by the
lumpenization of a significant part of a society in national - state and global
scales, is changed in the seemed stable world in the second half of the XX century with the division on “free”, “socialist”, “the third world ” 3.
Integration of
Europe occurs on a background of ethnic separatism. Here are the examples:
Northern Ireland, Basks Country, Corsica, Scotland, Catalonia , Flandria and the
latest bloody wound of Europe -
Kosovo. Even in safe Switzerland the French-speaking minority is not satisfied
with the situation. The reasons of separatism are different each case, but thus
the general tendency is observed - the ethnic identity appears more strongly, than
state-political identity. It is possible to
explain by bureaucratic complexity of state authority, and as a consequence by
an inefficiency of ruling. Process of integration causes repeated ethnic
mobilization. And not only ethnic but regional separatism is possible, as in Northern Italy4.
Not simple search of
the decision of the marked above problems is going on. Countries where the
problem of separatism does not pass in a hot phase should cause the special
interest. As the practice shows, the European countries do not know all answers
and also make serious mistakes - war in Yugoslavia an example of such mistake.
Nevertheless, there is an intensive search of the optimum decisions. On
our sight, the transformation of a problem from separatism in plane general
integration processes and direct involving of regions in this process is the
most constructive way. It is possible to say that the EU adheres to
this way.
In the European
Union it is possible to point out three
levels of power pyramid: institutes of EU - national state - regions.
Addressing to regional measurement, we shall note that the Maastricht contract
has founded new to EU institutional structure - Committee of regions. While, it
plays the limited advisory role in legislative process. However, many experts
reckon, that Committee of regions have large prospects. For the first time
Ombudsmen institute was created on the level EU, that has the right to accept the complaints from citizens,
suffered from non-legal actions
of institutional structures and bodies of Community. Thus, creation
of Committee of regions and opening in EU of
Ombudsmen bureau testify about going in Union searches of ways of
decentralization and democratization of
the structure. Still it is
early to speak, that all marked above will be placed in the completed
logic system of power relations that
will take into account importance and
features of regions. However we clearly see, that there is a purposeful and
promising search in this direction.
In integration processes
actively proceeding not only in Western Europe, but also in East Europe Ukraine
feels the increasing dispassionateness from these processes. The political
power of the country clearly realizes it. But it also precisely diagnoses, that
the values, quoted earlier in society
are changed by new popular requirements
about increase of life level including protection of environment and healthcare of population,
improving of education level and culture of organization of free time. In due time this value
reorientation to a certain extent has resulted in creation of EU.
Today it is
the most favorable socially - psychological atmosphere for process of
integration. Integration can become a core of reforms, idea of consolidation of
Ukrainian people. Badly implemented
reforms can slow the process of integration in Europe. People should see real
results of cooperation with Europe otherwise other directions of integration
will develop and way to Europe will be long. And, most likely it will be
inefficient not only for Ukraine, but also for Europe.
The introduction of a visa regime with Czech republic,
Hungary, Poland is difficult not to acknowledge precise differentiation –
Ukraine is not in the European house. Certainly, we understand that the country
should go its own part of the way to joint Europe. But, making precise border,
Europe in its turn should understand, that it complicates this way seriously.
Requirements for the acceptation into EU
are the following:
Stability of functioning of national institutes
of democracy, rule of the law, human
rights and national minorities
interests protection;
Presence of
functioning market economy;
Ability to compete and to sustain pressure of
market forces on domestic EU markets;
Readiness to take up obligations connected with
EU membership 5.
It is possible to speak about the
correspondence of the named above applicants on the introduction to EU to these
criteria. But for them the individual strategy of development is elaborated and
approachment to European standards. Ukraine in the beginning of the
independence quite naturally has gone through a stage of romantic enthusiasm
for Europe and has taken up the obligations, which for these or those reasons
it is hard to implement or can not execute them at all. The exit is at least,
in active cooperation in all-possible directions. The plan of the European
cooperation with Ukraine should be produced. In this plan the principle of
transparency - mobility, to be exact of
"softness" of boundary zones can be productive. "Boundary
transparent zones - alternative to state borders. Probably, the search of
essentially flexible relations, mode allowing to combine a principle of the
sovereignty with so important for historical development principle of cultural
and ethnic cooperation" 6. Certainly, thus some hierarchy
should be observed: the fixed border of the state sovereignty, fixed
territorial borders of transparency of this sovereignty coordinated parity of
factors and functions varied for each of the parties within the limits of
borders of allocated zone. Here are some spheres of such coordinated
cooperation: human dialogue, related ties, money circulation, system of rights
and justice (mutual representation in judicial bodies), political system,
bilingual system etc.
It is obvious, that such transparency, regional cooperation
should be developed with participation of regions with active support of the
central power bodies. Actually this tendency we notice in foreign and domestic
policy of the state. In the first case we have active cooperation with our
western neighbors, in second - by means of referendum, movement in the
direction of creation of two Chamber Parliament. Its purpose is an adequate
representation in legislation process interest of regions. However, it is only
the beginning. For the first, this process should be constitutionally be lead
up to logic end. For the second, the large work on regionalization of the
country is necessary. This process, in administrative state is not completely
Actually, all
mentioned above is a necessary condition to understand the situation on Crimea,
opportunity of its integration to Europe as a region of Ukraine. Today it is
possible to ascertain that the phase of Crimean separatism is overcomed and the
state regional policy gives the positive results. At the same time, the logic
of political development requires active involving of regions in the process of
European integration. Not only western regions can bring contribution into this
process but Crimea as well. Ratification by Ukraine of European Charter on
Regional languages or languages of national minorities and European Charter on
local self-governence are extremely important documents regulating the legal
field of difficult Crimean processes. Certainly, it is difficult to
overestimate in this plan the Law of Ukraine on national minorities and number
of the Decrees of the President. But the laws only will define rules of social
cooperation. The legal conditions for cultural development and cooperation are
created. And work of OSCE, TACIS, TEMPUS program in Crimea, and, the first
programs of Council of Europe on migration, and education speak that the
process of interaction is going on, certain communicative environment is
created. According to the intensity of development it will be possible to speak
about degree of integration of the Ukrainian regions, and, hence, state as a
whole in the European commonwealth. For Ukraine it is principle, as realizes
itself European state.
The notes:
1. Birukov
S. V. Socially - political realities of the Russian society. Legal status of
regional political authority // Bulletin of the Moscow University, 1997, № 4,
p. 78.
See: Sidzhansky D. Federal future of Europe. From the European community up to
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See. The bases of regionalism. Formation and evolution of historic-cultural
zones. - St.P., 1999, p. 18 - 19.
Tanchin I. E. European separatism: a lesson for Ukraine: Europe: Ideas and
processes. Chernivzi , 1998, c. 40-43.
About the problems of association see: Arakh M. The European union. Vision of Political
Unity. Moscow, "Economy", 1998, 467 p.; The European union. The dictionary
of the international terms in the sphere of rights and management. series Р. Volume 3. Munchen, 1997, 384 p.;
EU: lessons of construction of new Europe. World economy and international
relations. № 2, 1999, p. 124 - 128; Ivanov I.
Expansion of European Union: the script, problem, consequence. 1998. P.
22 - 26; Sterzhneva M. V. Features of
institutional development of EU. World economy and international relations. №3,
1999, p. 17 -23; Sterzhneve M. V.
Socio-cultural aspects of the
European integration. Ran , № 12, 1996, p. 65 - 68; unification or
decentralization? (Two sights on the past and future of EU). World economy and
international relations № 10, 1999, p. 120 - 126; Chryssochoou D. Democracy and
Symbiosis in the European Union: Towards a Confederal Consociation? ("
West European Politics ", October 1994, vol. 17.); Obradovic D. Polisy,
Legitimacy and the European Union (" The Joural of Common Market Studies
", June 1996, vol. 34, № 2, pp. 192 - 193); " Wallace H. European
Governance in Turbulent Times (" Journal of Common Market Studies ",
September 1993, vol. 31, p. 209).
Basis of regionalism. Formation and development
of historic - cultural zones. -
St.P., 1999, p. 346.
Gabrielyan O. A. Crimea as a
problem regionalism // Scientific notes of Simferopol State University , № 11 (50),
1999, p. 4 - 8.
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