There is no
doubt that Ukrainian project in the XXI century appears to be a complex
phenomenon. It should cover not only various aspects of social life and
involvement of our country in the context of world’s international processes,
but it should also reveal such an important constituent as regional diversity,
which greatly influences modern history. Actually, the project of Ukraine ’s
development is represented in its Constitution. Still, we may witness the absence
of general agreement on this point among political leaders. This project
outlines the status of Crimea and specifies
its future objectives. However, this design is so undefined/vague, that there
arises necessity to go into details of this regional project and shape its
constituents precisely. Crimean project is vital for Ukraine .
This may be
the reason for the President V.F. Yanukovich to proclaim this project as
national: “Crimea is a pearl of Ukraine ”.
This slogan could have remained a bright metaphor unless it hadn’t been
supported by a number of implementing activities. The government of Crimea has
elaborated a strategy of Crimea ’s development
till the year 2020 with particular programs, focusing on various problematic
issues. One of the most important points to stress is that the instruments for
the realization of these programs were also designed (staff assessment is being
conducted) involving not only the resources of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, but also national ones [1]. Moreover, current regional power upholds
its special status in the central (part of the country) that could help to
implement the designed strategy. This also applies to re-subordination of the
state broadcasting company “Krym” to the government of Crimea and optimization
of administration by eliminating duplicating institutions, i.e. offices of
central authorities/administration that had been established in the period of
separatist activities on the Peninsula .
Everything listed above fits into the logic of common sense and basics of management.
There can
arise a question: why this hasn’t been done before? The reason is that the
region itself, its population, political leaders and central authorities, as
well as inner and outer/external conditions were not ready/prepared for such
transformations. In this sense, Crimea has a
chance to become successful national project, which necessity has been
foregrounded during the last 5 years.
History of Crimea ’s reclamation can reveal a lot. At least it can to
a certain extent clearly predict the perspectives that Ukraine and Crimea
will face in the near future. The retrospective reference has also a pragmatic
goal. The defined/fixed points of history can help to design the
schedule/diagram/perspectives for the future development of Crimea .
Prognostication is one of the integral parts of a science. Apparently, it is
much more difficult to prognosticate in social sphere than in exact and natural
sciences. Still, probabilistic/stochastic nature of prognostication in social
sphere does not eliminate its objectiveness and significance.
The following
represent actualization and systematizing/classification of a number of
statements on social issues/matters relevant for the present and future of Crimea . The term ‘social’ is used here in a broad sense
and relates to cultural, political and economic matters. Strictly speaking, we
aim not only to describe Crimean project, but validate the demand for it and
its imminence. It is also important to single out the major threat to its
implementation. Just the last year we wondered whether the state has a project
of Crimea ’s future/development at all. Today
we face the other aspect: what are the problems that hinder the implementation
of the project and how we can overcome them.
possession the Crimea had undergone,
presupposed its own mode of existence of this land and its population. In the
monograph “Interethnic concord in Crimea: ways of achievement” our colleague S.
Gradirovsky has offered the following theoretic scheme for the comprehension of
the history of Crimea [2, 3]. He focused on
the particular period that has direct relation to the modern concerns in Crimea . Since the active involvement of Crimea
into the sphere of Russian social and cultural interests, a consequential
phenomenon can be observed: “ruin of the region followed by its transformation
according to the imposed standards’. These processes may be defined as waves of
development (“low and high tide”), as series of transformation (“ruin -
development”) and as a social and cultural pendulum (“devastation - creation”).
New standards are always introduced by social and cultural leader. In the
period of assimilation of Crimea by Russia , this phenomenon was
repeated for 4 times in the Crimean history:
Waves of devastation-ruin:
annexation of Crimea
accompanied by the deportation of Christians and decrease in the number of
Crimean war resulted in mass
emigration of Crimean and Nogay Tatars (devastation and depopulation);
Civil war, unprecedented migration
and blending of human masses, chain of governments, starvation, ruin of
agricultural system and collapse of class system;
Second World War, total ruin of all
infrastructures in the peninsula, mass fascist repressions, deportations
(pre-war, occupational and post-liberational).
Waves of creation-reclamation:
The primary period of assimilation by
the Russian empire (before Crimean War): the foundations of a new network of
cities were laid, military outpost Sevastopol was established, new policy of
benefits and encouragement was developed to support migration;
Elite recreation, imperial palaces
and landscape culture, start of the industrial revolution of the second period
of assimilation, changing of agricultural specialization;
Autonomous Soviet
Socialist Republic ,
mass recreation (child’s republic ‘Artek’, workers' and peasants' health
resorts), industrialization, collectivization, total illiteracy;
Investment into military-industrial complex:
“unsinkable aircraft carrier”, innovations (aerospace industry, agricultural
novelties and North-Crimean
Canal ), apogee of mass
the period of 250 years represent the waves of
social and cultural influence on Crimean-Tatar ethnos (obvious assimilation
tendencies, objective emigration issues undermining demographic structure,
ambivalent educational activity of I. Gasprinsky, phenomenon of deportation -
first surge of emigration, caused by
Russian-Turkish wars and annexation of Crimea ;
technology of complementary co-optation of
population and elites of the khanate into social structure of the empire;
second surge of emigration, caused by
the defeat of the allies in Crimean war and Porta’s propaganda due to the loss
of northern lands demanding population inflow;
educational activity of I.
Gasprinsky, progressive dispossession of land, implementation of a new
agricultural configuration of the Peninsula ,
emigration burst of 1902-1903;
spontaneous disorders during the
Civil war, intervention, ‘red’ and ‘white’ terror, starvation;
collectivization (complete ruin of vakuf system), resettlement of land-poor
crimean tatars from foothills and mountainous regions to the steppe, korenizatsiya and the policy of total
literacy to fit the standards of Strana
deportation after revelation that
destructive to the Russian lands (Kerch and Sevastopol in Crimea )
influence of the Second World War didn’t influence natives much;
struggle to return from deportation;
repatriation as a pullback of social
and cultural influence, provoking further assimilation and determining national
elite’s behavior.
uniqueness of any culture and region, still, we can make some generalizations
that reveal certain tendencies and regular occurrences. Investigations show,
that assimilation of territories as well as social and cultural transformations
have a typical nature. The similar processes were witnessed in Western Prussia,
i.e. modern Kaliningrad
region or Kosovo. Just a brief retrospection and some generalizations
apparently show that nowadays Crimea has
entered a new stage of social and cultural development/assimilation. It is a
post-soviet period that has started in 1991. Nowadays we face a transition to
the second stage of this assimilation/development just due to objective process
of the alternation of generations. The first stage was characterized by
ukrainization and polyethnization in social and cultural sphere, by
transference to ‘bazar’ capitalism in
economic sphere and by overcoming the lowest degree of birth rate and return of
Crimean tatars in demographic sphere.
period of devastation-ruin, as
compared to the stages of past series was minimal. Decrease of crop capacity
did not lead to hunger. Decrease of recreation flow did not prevent recreation barons from enrichment and
the local population benefit from summer season. Decrease of industry did not
result in mass migration to the more prosperous regions (still we may witness
the renewal of seasonal work in Ukraine
and in Crimea directed particularly to Russia ). Crimean Tatars have
returned to Crimea , but no new standard of
settlement, ethnic innovations in agricultural sphere or some entrepreneurial
schemes were introduced.
The period of transformation that has
started is highly controversial. The major question is which of the ethnoses
will become CK-leader of a new surge of
assimilation remains unsolved.
Gradirovsky investigates CK-transformation
not as inner spontaneous development of land and ethnicity, but as external
force. “Transformation” he speaks about is not a “creation” in general, but the
one that is arranged by external power by some imposed standard. With the lack
of such standard, there will be no creation.
Unlike S.
Gradirovsky we suggest that no ethnos will become CK-leader,
but state. Otherwise, the state will lose the region. Eventually, rhetoric
statements on civil society, multiculturalism, regional identity – Crimeans as
an integral part of national (state) Crimean project appear to be urgent.
Apparently, Ukraine
shapes to be a new proprietor of this region. Crimean Constitution as a regulation
of Crimean political being is supported by the project, as a programme for its
social and cultural existence in a broad sense. Crimea as a Ukrainian land
acquires ideological notions sufficient as for the state, and for the majority
of the population of Crimea . In general, this
fits into the paradigm of transformation of Ukraine in the context of modern
geopolitical changes.
The policy of
Ukraine regarding Crimea
could be masterly under the condition Ukraine
could consider geopolitical interests of its neighbors and attract Europe, Russia and even Turkey to the implementation of
this project. It can be possible regarding relative complementarity of their
interests. The forms of realization of this project may vary being offshore,
tourist, recreation zone, summer international political center etc. The
challenge is to define the main idea of the project, which will be interesting to those, who will implement it.
statements above fit into normative political science. The processes in reality
are much more complex. There are three possible projects of Crimea ’s
transformation: Ukrainian, Crimean-Tatar and Russian.
Ukrainian project, as we have already stated above is
possible on the national basis. It possesses all the externally imposed
standards for the Crimea . It can be
implemented on the basis of national standards: integrated political,
economical and partly integral cultural unity. Domination of Russian social and
cultural background as an outcome of common history in the frame of former USSR is obvious.
The difficulty appears to be that it can not be overcome by administrative
ukrainization only. The strings of discontent may stretch for a long time, but
eventually they will break, revealing the energy of social resentment of not
only ethnic Russians. The aim of Ukrainian project is to offer new social and
cultural standards that can be accepted by the majority of the population of Crimea . The project appears to be successful in political
and legal sphere. Political elite of Crimea is a part of political elite of Ukraine . The situation of inner non-citizenship (rejection of Ukrainian
citizenship on psychological, emotional level) shifts to involvement of
population into political activities as citizens of Ukraine . Domestic economic ties
appear to be tighter than border ties with Russia . Ukrainian project has one
distinct advantage and disadvantage at the same time. Being a state project has
the most powerful resource possible. On the other hand, being a state project
and consecutively administrative and bureaucratic it is not creative and
non-responsive. The weakness of Ukrainian project lies in the fact that the
Constitution of the country, being a project of nation’s present and future is
subject to transformations itself.
Crimean-Tatar project. Having failed o achieve Crimea-wide
support and being highly ethnocentric, still, it is being actively implemented.
Among its other features we should list:
All these
features possess both positive and negative potential. In the political sphere
this project is realized by active penetration of Crimean Tatars into power
authorities: assignment of quotas on all levels of power, coordination of all
politically relevant matters, appearance of duplicate authorities and
quasi-national institutions. This project is also implemented in economic
sphere. We face ethnization of certain spheres of economic activity: building
(construction markets), transport, restaurant and tourist business. The
implementation of this project in social and cultural sphere also demonstrates
considerable results. We face official spread of Crimean-Tatar language on
republican level. There is constant and steady renewal and alternation of
toponymy. We also witness restoration of historic landmarks and building of new
ones, majorly religious ones. The complex hierarchy of national system of
education and culture is being established. Eventually, we should recognize
Crimean-Tatar project to be the most actively implemented in Crimea .
Russian project is not obviously articulated. It may
be the outlined above as the previous project of Crimea’s assimilation by Russia , later by USSR . Due to objective and
subjective reasons, Russian community of Crimea failed to become a
representative body of Russian and Russian-speaking part of the population of Crimea . At best, it will succeed in retaining what it
already has. The lack of resources and real support from Russia also has
a great impact. In the political sphere Russian community faced a crushing
defeat at the last elections. In economic sphere this project also lacks bright
ethnic nature. The most important resource of a possible Russian project in Crimea is objective dominance of Russian culture. Two
centuries’ potential will not soon be exhausted. Still, it is being actively
forced out in language, toponymy etc. However, church appears to be a serious
institution supporting the project. As a matter of fact, it has really
succeeded in building up its power and emphasizing its presence at the
peninsula. It is the only institution that possesses mobilization power.
So, a war, or
a dialogue of cultures? Regarding the culture in a broad sense we embrace
traditional notion of culture, politics and economy. All cultures exist in a
state of war, it is natural. Cultures are aggressive and eventually expansive Ego, self-sufficient entity. The culture
may be limited only by a stronger culture. Where the cultures meet, there
starts a dialogue. Otherwise, the stronger culture absorbs the weaker one. But
the dialogue itself induces mutual enrichment (e.g. methods of management/household,
education, particular forms of culture adopted by a nation).
No doubt, we
face separatism and segmentation of Crimea . We
face palpation of cultures by one another, redistribution and privatization
of Crimean cultural populated universe. There are no limits to this process as
there are no proprietors that are the necessary condition for the dialogue.
Still, on the lowest level the dialogue is in progress and it can become a
basis for a greater social dialogue. There are a lot of opportunities for the
Crimean project, but the threats are also considerable. The importance of state
in this respect can scarcely be overestimated, but now the state majorly
focuses on economic aspects. This is the weakness of the project. Social
project lacking spiritual grounds is doomed. It can’t be limited to a business
project. We need a bright image of common future as a system of social and
cultural ideals and values. There can be no future without it.
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